IN Santa Fe (Impact Network Santa Fe) project encourages the development of a vibrant community ecosystem for local impact investing and social enterprise, expressing regional values, narratives, aspirations, and resources. The initial prototype will be focused in the Middle Rio Grande region of New Mexico.
Initial work included a series of exploratory workshops with community stakeholders, and the formation of an organizing team to consider implementation steps.
Out of this work arose the concept of a local “collaboratory” (a collaborative community network for learning and experimentation), dedicated to building shared learning, information, capacity, and support for growing a more robust, place-sourced impact investing ecosystem in the region (and other regions that wish to adopt this model).
The immediate objectives of this IN Santa Fe Collaboratory reflect a holistic, systemic approach in these focus areas:
Downstream (“demand side”) opportunity development: Increase the number, quality, capacity, and community impact of social entrepreneurs and enterprises working in the region
Connective capacity development: Create an overall organizing structure to enable all stakeholders to openly connect and engage, with an open web platform for relevant projects, events, information, and resources
Upstream (“supply side”) resource development: Engage existing and potential impact investors from the private, public, and philanthropic sectors, and identify any finance vehicles or intermediaries needed to deploy capital locally

Who We Are.
In 2012, five organizations (Regenesis Group, the Story of Place Institute, Santa Fe Innovation Park, and a pair of local funders) coalesced around the notion that an opportunity exists to grow a more robust local impact investing field by connecting individual efforts, elevating perspectives to a systemic level and building upon the unique qualities inherent in our local region. Out of this partnership grew the IN Santa Fe, a place sourced impact investment initiative, working to foster the emergence of an impact investing ecosystem for growing whole community wealth in the Santa Fe Region.
David Breecker, IN Santa Fe Co-Director
David Breecker is the founder and President of the Santa Fe Innovation Park, a creative problem solving laboratory; and is Principle Consultant at David Breecker Associates, Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in strategic planning for business, industry, and economic development. He earned his MBA from Harvard in 1982, and has acquired some 30 years of general management experience. He is an award-winning writer, a former musician and graphic designer, and worked for nine years in Hollywood as a film Production Executive.
The Santa Fe Innovation Park is a partner in the IN Santa Fe project, which David serves as project Co-Director. SFIP is also the founder of the Microgrid Systems Laboratory for advanced energy innovation, which David leads as Managing Director. As a consultant, David was the principle author and architect of the New Mexico Media Industries Strategy Project for Governor Bill Richardson’s office, and the Santa Fe regional plan for renewable energy and sustainability technology-based development. David most recently worked with the New Mexico Technology Commercialization Council (comprising the two national labs and three research universities in New Mexico) on a state-wide clean tech industry development plan and strategy; and prepared Santa Fe County's long-term economic development plan in 2014.
Nicholas Mang, IN Santa Fe Co-Director
Nicholas Mang is a community organizer and educator focused on innovating holistic, cross-sector strategies for regenerating local economies, cultures, and ecologies of place. He is founder and co-executive director of Story of Place Institute (a non-profit 501c3), a principle consultant at Regenesis Collaborative Development Group, and director of Jessica’s Love Foundation. Nicholas has over fifteen years of work experience in communities across North America, organizing and facilitating successful community redevelopment initiatives.
Overall, he has had diverse work experience in the fields of education, community organizing, and business development. Additional work experience includes facilitating holistic thinking processes for urban planners, developers, and community members; organizing the development of a community expressive arts center in Gilroy, CA; developing and managing small businesses in the United States and Argentina; designing and overseeing the implementation of educational programs in California and New Mexico; and organizing a cross-cultural community health program in the Dominican Republic.
Andrea Romero, IN Santa Fe Project Coordinator
Andrea joins us after concluding Alan Webber's campaign for Governor as the Finance Director. She worked for local startups, SportXast and G³, as Community Manager and the Director of Product Development, respectively. She is a 16th generation New Mexican who graduated from Stanford University in Political Science. Leading to her current post as IN Santa Fe's Project Coordinator, she was in DC working as a communications specialist for the Development Strategy and Governance (DSG) division of the International Food Policy Research Institute ( Before that, she led an independent research and development project in sustainable farming and water harvesting in Mozambique through Project Rx ( She's on Twitter.
Adam Rubel
Bob Mang
Craig DeForest
Pamela Mang
Partners and Sponsors
Academy for the Love of Learning
Brindle Foundation
City of Santa Fe Economic Development
Jessica’s Love Foundation
LANL Foundation
The Loan Fund
The McCune Foundation
MIX Santa Fe
New Mexico Association of Grantmakers
Permaculture Credit Union
Regenesis Group
Santa Fe Business Incubator
Santa Fe Community College
Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce
Santa Fe Innovation Park
Story of Place Institute
Santa Fe Community Foundation
Social Enterprise Associates