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Here are some living resources we have found to inform our vision and pathways.


Integrated Capital for Social Enterprises
Don Shaffer, Stanford Social Innovation Review


"To build a thriving social enterprise sector, we need to rethink the purpose of capital and employ a new strategic funding approach."


Accelerating Impact: Achievements, Challenges and What's Next in Building the Impact Investing Industry
The Rockefeller Foundation


'A third-party evaluation of Rockefeller Foundation's Impact Investing initiative, providing one of the most recent and comprehensive scans of the global impact investing industry to date.

The report examines the evolution of the field over the past four years as well as its current status, reflecting that the field has moved decisively from a phase of “uncoordinated innovation” to one of sustained “marketplace-building.” The report concludes by offering recommendations to industry leaders regarding the challenges and opportunities that may lie ahead.'


Evolution of an Impact Portfolio:  From Implementation to Results
Sonen Capital

'A first-of-its-kind report detailing the financial performance of an impact investing portfolio. The report demonstrates to investors that impact investments can compete with, and at times outperform, traditional asset allocation strategies while pursuing meaningful and measurable social and environmental impact results.  'Evolution' is written for asset owners, advisors, and other intermediaries interested in learning more about building diversified impact portfolios anchored in rigorous financial analysis and ongoing assessments of factors affecting macroeconomic conditions.'


Field Guide to Investing in a Regenerative Capital
Capital Institute

'The Regenerative Economy is a whole new way of building holistic wealth and nurturing entrepreneurialism in an energizing network of self-organizing, cooperative relationships.'


From Blueprint to Scale: The Case for Philanthropy in Impact Investment
Harvey Koh, Ashish Karamchandani and Robert Katz, Monitor Group

'Impact capital alone will not unlock the potential of impact investing for the global poor. Because of the extreme challenges facing those who are pioneering new models for inclusive business, truly realizing the impact in impact investing will require more, not less, philanthropy, and will need that philanthropic support to be delivered in new ways...'


Investing for Social and Environmental Impact
Jessica Freireich and Katherine Fulton, Monitor Group

'We will argue here that the precision most needed in the years ahead requires confronting a paradox: impact investing is both one thing, and many things. This moment of transition requires leaders to build the collective will that can only come from seeing the common whole that is emerging from diverse elements in this emerging industry. But at the same time, what is needed to accelerate progress is the ability to separate and make distinctions, so that action is meaningful on the ground.'



A New Foundation For Portfolio Management
Jillian McCoy, RSF Social Finance


'This paper challenges current assumptions about risk, growth and utility and proposes new principles to bring portfolio theory into the 21st century. Previous assumptions used to guide investment strategy are no longer appropriate for the environment we live in or for having the social impact sought out. This paper explores integrated risk, selective growth and multidimensional utility functions. 



IN Santa Fe | Presentations, White Papers and Dialogue Series



Financial Channels White Paper - This white paper, produced by INSF, is a living document that will inform and promote an impact investing ecosystem in Santa Fe, by analyzing the financial channels (through which capital flows from investors to investees) that will play an essential role. The ideas and information presented here will form a base of knowledge that the community can draw upon, and that the INSF Finance Team can use to assess needed infrastructure.


Community Development Finance Institutions (presentations)Eight of our community’s leading CDFIs joined the January INSF Finance Team meeting to present and discuss their work.




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